Psoriasis behind the ears is one of the familiar places that can get affected by psoriasis. It can be limited to only one area of the ear or include the ear lobe, ear canal, or whole ear. If the psoriasis is an in-ear canal, then the skin flakes combined with ear wax can block the canal resulting in hearing impairment. Ear psoriasis is most of the time seen along with scalp psoriasis.
A male aged about 35 years was suffering from psoriasis for the past 2.5 years. It started as dandruff initially and gradually increased and began spreading to other parts of the body. He had taken various treatments for the same and didn’t find a good result. There was severe itching, and after scratching, there was a white discharge seen.
He started with Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis, along with diet and lifestyle changes. Now you can see the stage-wise changes along the course of treatment. The Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment started with detoxification, correction, and preventive phases to stop the reoccurrence of psoriasis.
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How to get quicker results in Psoriasis?
One must avoid all the triggering factors. It may be from the food, drinks, consumption of incompatible foods, etc.
Seasonal changes or working environments also can trigger psoriasis, and one must take precautionary measures to counter them.
The psychological state is also important as stress and anxiety can trigger psoriasis.
One must follow the prescribed medications, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications, as advised by the doctor.
*Results vary from case to case.